Monday 2 November 2015

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Newark

Sometimes in life you have to take a totally different approach to get a positive result. I am always amazed at the number of people who have yo-yo dieted for years and found themselves back at square one or even worse heavier than before they started. Yet these same people will try the next big weight loss fad in the hope that this will be the magic bullet to help them shed the pounds. It is like banging your head against a wall because the result will always be the same. Short term weight loss through deprivation and then weight gain when the starvation diet becomes too much and you start to eat again. I find that people finally come to a hypnotherapist when they have done this for years and realise that they have to try something totally different. Our Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Newark is exactly that a very different approach to the norm because you have to do things differently in order to succeed.

So what is different about our approach to losing weight? Well firstly we never put anyone on a diet ever! Why? Because as soon as you take foods away from a person they crave them more than before. They may be able to last for a week, a month or even a year depriving themselves of their favourite foods but eventually their resolve will weaken and then they can't stop themselves from eating huge amounts of the foods that they were trying to avoid. We help our clients to take a step back and try a different approach which is helping our clients to understand when they are hungry and when they are full. Signals that many people now simply ignore.

Understanding when you are hungry is half the battle as it means you are no longer eating out of habit but listening to the signals that your body is giving you. When we eat and are distracted by other activities it can be difficult to pick up on what you body is trying to tell you. Our Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Newark helps you to take time out so that you really pick up on those signals. In order to help you with this we teach all our clients mindful eating techniques. What is great about this method is that it means you can still eat the foods that you would normally eat but in moderation as the portion sizes tend to be significantly reduced.

Another element of our weight loss hypnosis is that we also work to identify any emotional eating which can also be sabotaging your efforts. Many people call themselves greedy because of their poor eating habits but often they are eating because of an emotional issue. For example they feel stressed and when they eat sugary foods it helps them to take time out and enter a bubble of relaxation where they think of nothing else but the food they are eating. We help our clients to identify their emotional eating triggers and then help them to find a new positive way of dealing with the problem without using food.

Of course our weight loss hypnosis also uses the power of suggestion to help bring about change. Repeated suggestions given to the subconscious for change can have a powerful impact on the way in which someone eats. In fact our biggest weight loss loser which shed well over ten stone did this through suggestion hypnosis only. We even give our clients a weight loss audio to listen to inbetween the sessions to reinforce the suggestions. If this is listened to regularly it can help created positive change.

Our Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Newark can be used to help with Binge Eating, Sugar and Chocolate addiction and emotional and comfort eating. For full details of our programs simply call us on 01636 650521 for a free telephone consultation.