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Anxiety Help in Nottingham - What are the Alternatives?

If you are suffering from anxiety or panic disorder then generally your first port of call should be your doctor. They are the person who can make a formal diagnosis and then suggest to you what the next steps you can take with your condition. The problem is that with the current pressure on the NHS you are generally going to be offered medication first. Medication which can alleviate the problems in some people some of the time but what happens to the people that it doesn't work for? If they are lucky they may get put on the waiting list for some form of therapy but in many cases these people suffer in silence. There are however alternatives and at Balance Hypnotherapy we offer Anxiety Help in Nottingham to help you manage your condition.

How Can Anxiety Hypnosis Help with Anxiety?

There are are a number of different ways that hypnosis can help with anxiety including:

self hypnosis anxiety download
Relaxation and Stress Reduction - If you are feeling anxious then you are likely to be experiencing the feeling of being on edge all the time. There is nothing to be afraid of from this feeling. It is just the way that your subconscious is staying alert to danger. The feeling is however exhausting and can stop you sleeping and for many it can feel distressing. Our Anxiety Help in Nottingham works with you to alleviate this feeling by replacing it with one of relaxation and calm. Hypnosis is a deep state of calm relaxation and with regular practice it can significantly reduce your background levels of anxiety. We even give our clients anxiety hypnosis downloads to help them manage their problem. If you are unable to reach our clinic you can purchase them from our online shop here.

Suggestion & Positive Visualisation - Whilst you are in hypnosis you are more suggestible so during initial sessions we concentrate on giving our clients positive suggestion and ego strengthening to change their mood. We explain exactly why the client may be experiencing the anxiety and then we work on changing their perception of it so it becomes more manageable. When we combine this with our tips and strategies to take control of the problem we usually see an improvement in the way our clients feel.

Getting to the Root Cause of the Problem - In many cases our clients are totally unaware of why they may be experiencing an issue. They may be experiencing panic attacks or significant episodes of anxiety without knowing what the real problem is. Usually in our second or third sessions with a client we begin to do what we would call analytical hypnosis. This form of hypnosis gets to the root cause of the problem.

An example of this form of work may be a client who comes and explains that they have a fear of getting on an aircraft. They see the door of the plane shut and they feel they are hyperventilating and experiencing extreme panic. General suggestion hypnosis helps to a degree but does not solve the problem so we begin analytical work to determine the real reason for the problem. Suddenly our client explains how they were bullied as a child. They spent a good proportion of their life hiding or looking out for the bullies and always had an escape route planned. We suddenly understand that their mind is getting into a panic because in a plane there is nowhere to go. With some simple work to untangle their past fears it is possible for them to overcome the problem.

How Many Sessions Will I need?

We ask clients who are suffering from panic attacks or GAD to go on our four session anxiety program. There sessions take place every week to two weeks. If you have a simple fear or phobia then our clients usually attend on a session by session basis.

Anxiety Help Online

If you would like to attend sessions at one of our clinics in Nottinghamshire then we have locations in Nottingham West Bridgford and Newark on Trent. However we see clients from all over the world via Skype or Facetime. This form of hypnosis can often be more productive as our clients are more comfortable in the comfort of their own home. For more details simply contact us and we can tell you how you can sign up for our programs.

For more details about our anxiety help in Nottingham simply call us today on 01636 650 521