Thursday 6 April 2017

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Nottingham - 7 Factors That Create Success

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Nottingham
When our clients think of hypnosis they immediately think about quit smoking one of the more popular hypnotherapy treatments there is. They have a vision that they will arrive at our clinic sit in a chair have a short session of hypnosis which delivers positive suggestions and the problem will be gone. The truth however is that our Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Nottingham is much more complex as we want to get long lasting results rather than stabbing in the dark with our work.

So what do we do that might be different from a typical hypnotherapist. Well firstly we spend some time taking a lengthy assessment from our client so we can understand what may be going on. Each client we see may have very different drivers and motivations for their smoking habit and creating a unique treatment plan for them is essential if we are to get results. Here are just some of the most popular things that we need to consider if we want success from our client.

Peer Pressure - Most of our clients start smoking when they are relatively young. Usually between the ages of 14 to 18 at a time when they are more likely to listen to or follow what their peers are doing. So if a couple of friends are smoking then they may experiment as well. The problem is that this smoking habit now makes them part of a gang and is linked in with friendship. A subconscious belief starts that if they don't smoke then they are no longer joining in. Now imagine that this thought process continues as they get older. Now they feel left out if they go to the pub and they choose not to smoke with their friends outside. Or perhaps the cigarette breaks they get at work enable them to mingle not only with their peers but get inside gossip or talk to senior managers who also smoke.  It is therefore essential that a hypnotherapist works with this sort of client to change these thought processes to create positive change.

Looking Cool - As well as the peer pressure advertising especially in the 1950's ad 60's made smoking look cool. Many people still associate smoking with this even today. Now as therapists we know that smoking is no longer cool especially when you have a hacking cough and yellow fingers. As you get older the impact of the habit becomes greater as well and can even impact your appearance. If a client has started smoking because they think it is cool then it is possible to build up a negative picture under hypnosis using visualisation techniques.

Rebellion - When many people are younger they often undergo a process of not wanting to be told what to do. They want to to carve their own path and cigarettes become a part of that rebellion and a way of sticking two fingers up at authority figures such as their mother and father. As they get older they forget they don't have to answer to anyone but they still keep on smoking even though it isn't necessary. As hypnotherapists we need to remind them that they make the decisions and it is their choice to continue smoking the question is what is their motivation now they are older. Just placing this thought in their mind can start to create positive change.

Boredom - I can't even count the number of times that people have told me that they smoke because they are bored. Now when you break down this thought it makes no sense whatsoever. A cigarette takes approximately five minutes to smoke yet the boredeom they describe lasts for hours. The cigarette has solved nothing at all. Our stop smoking hypnotherapy Nottingham helps our clients to take a long hard look at their excuses and to help them find alternative ways of reacting rather than putting a cigarette to their mouth.

Addiction - Many of our clients also believe that they are addicted to cigarettes and cite nicotine cravings as a big problem. We spend time helping them to understand that in most cases it isn't the nicotine that they are craving instead it is the psychological issue of habit and association change. Put simply if you always have a cup of tea in the morning and smoke a cigarette you feel as if something is wrong if you have one without the other. We help our clients to break these habits and associations so it becomes easier to deal with.

Stress - So many people turn to cigarettes when they feel stressed. The breaks they get as part of their habit are a way of taking time out and escaping if only for a short period of time. Yet it is perfectly possible to have a break without the need to smoke. It is also easy to breathe fresh cleam air calmly without inhaling smoke. In fact cigarettes often increase stress as they higher blood pressure and heart rate.

Weight - Finally it is important to look at worries about weight and smoking especially with our female clients. There is a big belief that smoking in some way helps to keep them thin when this isn't really the case. In fact statistics show that an average smoker vs non smoker will weigh approximately 7 pounds different. Even this small weight difference can be helped with weight loss hypnosis and smoking cessation. It is relatively simple for a hypnotherapist to address this problem before it begins so that there is no need to put on any extra pounds at all.

So as you can see our Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Nottingham is designed to create helpful change by assessing the motivations for our clients habits and then helping them to overcome their barriers to success. Of course every client is different which is why all our programs have bespoke elements to make sure that they are relevant to our clients. For more information about our stop smoking programs simply call us on 01636 650 521 to get more information about how we can help you to stop the bad habit.